Tuesday 22 December 2015

Happy Birthday!

I have been asked by a few people about my party.  Of particular interest seems to be the dress code.  I realise that this will help people with planning and packing if they know what is going on.  My party is planned for Tuesday 19th January, 2016.  The location is not confirmed due to the damage which occurred with the cyclones and not knowing what has been rebuilt. I have been to a really great bar in Vanuatu right on the water but I can't be sure that it is even there any more.  In relation to dress code I intend to wear a fairly simple black dress.  In my head for the guys I am thinking like dress shorts and shirt type thing.  Hopefully this helps.  As soon as I confirm where we are going I will get back to you but dress wise this should get you started.

Friday 11 December 2015


Just this week the visitors to the Warrick Resort were lucky enough to swim with Dugongs.  The mammals regularly swim just near the resort allowing the patrons to swim with these beautiful animals in their own environment.  This is a rare opportunity for the kids.  Despite what Emma Jones has thought all her life Dugongs are real.  They are the only truly herbivorous marine mammal.  For Tina that means they only eat plants. Tina below is a great white shark.  They are not found in the South Pacific.  You will see the difference between the Dugong above and the shark below.

The Dugong has no interest in eating you Tina it is quite safe for you to go into the water.  They basically eat Seagrass from the ocean floor.  These amazing creatures have a dolphin tail but are actually more closely related to whales.  They are calm and gentle living for up to 70 years.  The species is hunted for meat and oil and are nearing extinction.  Currently the water temperature in Vanuatu is 28 degrees.  For open water that is considered warm.  Very warm.  Even the most cold blooded will enjoy these water temperatures.  Don't forget your goggles and snorkels in case the Dugongs are still around.  It is expected that they will be.  Giant turtles are also regularly seen around the island in addition to the amazing tropical fish.

Race 1 Warrick Classic

There have been a number of changes to the race guide so here are the updated versions.  They are a little briefer than the originals so don't be afraid to read back over them to get a full understanding.

Race 1 has been forced to move from the Iririki track due to storm damage and will now be held at the Warrick Racecourse which you will find just near the pool bar overlooking the golf course.  The runners have changed in this race with the in and outs resulting in a very competitive field.

1. Deb JAMES is looking as strong as ever.  She will not rely on last minute training but the fact she has been putting away the ales since the days when she needed fake ID to get into pubs.  Definitely a favorite for providing laughs.  Deb is travelling with her husband Scott and two sons, Harrison and Matthew.  Deb is one of my awesome school mums.  Harrison and Matthew go to school with Jett.  Deb would still be a favorite to take out this race.

2.  Dave MORRIS has been training hard both on and off the track.  Having found himself a stable mate since booking the trip he has been training hard on the red wine.  Training with his stable mate Jemeel if wine is being served he will be a show unless the track runs past his room and then we'd be sure to see both of them sneak off the track.  Dave is travelling with his partner Jemeel and two of his children, Dana 15 and Hugh 11.  Dave is one of the investigators from my work.

3. Robyn SPARK has been training hard on the Margaritas.  An endurance athlete she will be strong and should back it up most days.  Robyn stables and trains with her husband Dave and will be travelling with their daughter, Chloe who will turn 7 while we're away.

4. Larry MEHEGAN is a veteran endurance athlete.  He will be a strong contender on any beer which he doesn't pay for himself.  Laz will perform no matter what the conditions or track.  Laz is my dad and is travelling with my mum Carol.  Don't let age deter you, he'll be there at the end.  An insomniac he is likely to be found near the pool from 6am most mornings.

5.  Emma JONES is a pocket rocket that can put the drinks away like any 6'3 grown man just don't let her near the microphone.  Emma's son, Kynan plays football with Jett.  Emma is travelling with her husband Bryn and their three children, Kynan, Shayla and Camden.

6. Zinnia HARDIMAN SCRATCHED - moved to a new stable with a new stable mate

7. Jameel MORRIS is quick and has plenty of go on the wine.  Training hard with Dave over recent months she will be strong.  As with Dave she may easily be distracted and could fall back from the field if there are hugs on offer or Dave's bedroom comes into view from the back straight.  If she remains focused, Jameel could even challenge Deb and Robyn.

Race 1 is now shaping up to be strong.

35 DAYS!

Well people it's only 35 days until we are out of here.  I think everyone is well aware its been a tough couple of months in the Hartman house.  Unfortunately that has left the blog a little bare.  But....we leave in 35 days it is time to get things moving.  We now have official numbers with flights and accommodation paid for.  I have a final form guide coming but wanted to bring up something in the mean time.  

There is really good snorkelling straight off the island.  Just this week there were dugongs swimming at the resort.  The resort has snorkelling gear available for use free of charge, however, do you really want to be sharing a snorkel with the unhygenic freak three doors up?  It has to be the fastest way to end up sick and who wants to spend a week in Vanuatu sick for any reason that is not self inflicted.

I would expect most of the kids will use snorkelling gear most days and I think it is worthwhile thinking about bringing your own.  They don't weigh that much and don't take up all that much room but could be worth their weight in gold.  For those that don't have any perhaps they'll make a perfect stocking filler for Christmas.  Obviously you don't have to but just an idea.

Thursday 2 July 2015

Casino Royale

I can find no information anywhere which suggests that there has ever been a casino in Vanuatu yet there are claims that as part of the resort rebuild following Cyclone Pam, we can expect the Grand Opening of 'The Iririki' Casino next to the pool side bar on January 16, 2016.

All the way from the casino capital of the world, Las Vegas, these genuine chips are Vegas stamped and sure to create an atmosphere nothing short of the real deal.  These chips were brought out by the same company that keeps the Browlow Medal Votes secret.  Security like no other, they arrived at the Toleman house just in time for his birthday.  We all know Bryn Jones is desperate to win back the money he lost at last years Under 9 boys footy camp, Garry and Bronwyn are card sharks from way back and Shellie Storm is out to win at everything including poker.  But, don't be disappointed if cards and gambling are not your thing.  There is guaranteed to be a game to interest everyone including drinking games for Helen and Paula, dice games for those who are on holiday and have no interest in using their brain and even crown and anchor always guaranteed to please.  But, it's not about the dollars.   Maximum chip value is $5000 but early week outlay is low and unless you manage to lose money as quick as Bryn $50 should keep you playing for the week.  For those that don't get it there is an exchange rate.  $50 will get you thousands of dollars in chips.

In true Oceans Eleven style we can expect casino owner, Paul Toleman to be present in the casino most days but will he be able to be recruited by partners in crime, Mick and Jodie Kist to perform the simultaneous plan of robbing the Casino, the pool bar and the island ferry all at the same time.  As owner of the chips, no doubt Paul will be reluctant to be involved but when he works out how much money Zinnia and Mick Hardiman,  Dave Morris and Jenelle and Brett Hartman have put over the bar in one week he is sure to get involved.  There will be more cash sitting behind that bar than goes through Centrelink on dole day.   When Paul works out this will cover his trip expenses, no doubt he'll agree and his inside information will ensure its success.  Mick and Jodie will be pairing up having escaped the prison of football season team managers role and will be prepared to stay up late to ensure they can pull this off.  Expect all plans to be emailed to all recruits.

Mick and Jodie will be looking to recruit numerous colleagues and criminal specialists to get maximum results.  Simon Dalziel will be picked up as the young and talented pick pocket attracting no attention from anyone,  Richard Cowley will be the required conman with the ability to sell ice to eskimos, Ash Storm and Simon Mehegan will be the gifted pair of mechanics, and Scott James the electronics and surveillance expert will use his helicopters to ensure everything goes to plan.  Dave Spark will fly the helicopter if necessary. Larry Mehegan will be used as the decoy appearing like the innocent old man and he will work in company with Ian King to distract the Ferry driver and bar staff.  University Professor Andreas Fouras is likely to be sure to work out the logistics but expect him to send Helen to forward the ideas to the Kists.  Acrobats, Emma Jones and Sue King will be called upon to perform cartwheels and backflips as the ferry pulls away when the ploy is uncovered.  No doubt the two psychologists, Tina and Robyn on becoming aware of the plan will try and talk the crew out of it but they all know if they get this right this is a free trip for all.  At worst if will cover the four 13 year old kids who aren't covered in the kids eat free deal!!!

At the end of the day if all goes wrong what have we lost?  Nothing, we have a week of laughs, games and fun at the Iririki Casino....

Sunday 28 June 2015

Friday 19 June 2015


As the US dollar continues to disappear before our eyes there have been a number of people ask about currency and cost of living in Vanuatu, so I have tried to put a few things into perspective to help people make some decisions.

The native currency in Vanuatu is the VATU.  The most common exchange is AUS - VATU or US - VATU.  There are some places that will take Australian dollars but it can be a bit hit and miss.  ATM are readily available but the exchange rate will depend on each individual bank.  There is a Westpac Branch.  Like opening doors where you walk in and speak to someone behind a counter.  According to trip advisor the Money Exchange has the best exchange rate but you really have to be careful to make sure you don't get ripped with additional charges and locals just 'taking advantage'.  Either change your cash before you leave or use ATM is probably the safest way to go.    For rich people like Toley I don't think they take Diners or American Express!  For the rest of us 'normal' people most stores/tour providers will take Visa/Mastercard.

The other rumours flying around is the general cost of items being super high so I have researched the cost of some of the more common items that most of us can relate to as they stand in March 2015.

Today the exchange rate from AUS to VATU is $1.00 AUS = $84.39 VATU

A Cappuccino is $311 VATU which is the equivalent of $3.68 Australian

A medium Big Mac Meal is $561.28 which is $6.65 Australian.  In Australia the same meal is $7.95 (Well it was when I went through the drive through at 3am last weekend) unless you are in uniform.  I don't know if they will acknowledge Australian uniforms in Vanuatu but in case they do I have a few spares.  Unfortunately I don't think Ill have one to fit Stormy Senior so he might be left paying full price.

Domestic Beers (Tusker which for whatever it is worth Brett claims is actually pretty good) is
$400 VATU for 500ml which is equivalent to $4.74

Important Beers (including Australian imports mostly) are around $588 for 330ml which is around $6.61 Australian

A 330ml bottle of coke (staple diet of Mick Hardiman and Mick Kist) are around $183 VATU which is $2.17 Australian

A mid range three course dinner for two people in a local restaurant you can expect to pay $7000 VATU which is around $82.93

Essentially the cost of living is somewhat similar to the prices we pay at home.  Not as cheap as what many have come to find in Bali and Thailand but certainly not over the top.  I wonder if some have been confused with New Caledonia which is French and super expensive.  Trip Advisor actually suggests that for main meals its cheaper to eat at Iririki than to go onto the main land.  Generally the costs seem pretty compareable and no where near as expensive as purported generally.

How you wish to go about it is up to you.  You can rely on card, exchange before you leave or exchange when you get there.  Cash exchange is available at the resort.  Whilst this is a safer option rates can be a little higher.