Wednesday 27 May 2015


It has been interesting putting the form guide together.  Although we are are using the excuse for the trip that it is my birthday, it has become obvious that I know very little about some of you.  Generally I realise I know little about the husbands and wives of those who are so important to me.  I have learnt so much about so many of you in preparing this guide.  I now know we have two Simons, two Daves, two Micks, two kinder childcare workers, four coppers, two psychologists, two book keepers, four self employed businessmen, four maintenance fitters, two electricians who don't work as electricians, two doctors and 26 drunks!  

The Paradise Stakes has some quality runners and don't for a moment think that there aren't any in this star field that couldn't match it with those running in the main race.

TINA TOLEMAN is the wife of the race favorite, Paul, but don't be expecting her to hide in his shadows.  Tina can hold her own and when it comes to entertaining there are none better.  Tina may be out of her comfort zone on a tropical island where people wait on her.  She is used to being the one entertaining guests and providing food spreads to die for.  Tina is a child psychologist so expect her to have her husband Paul, Brett Hartman and Mick Hardiman assessed and sorted out before the captain has switched off the fasten your seatbelt sign.  A little on the quiet side when you first meet her she will soon match it with the best after a few Kahlua and cokes and if the Margaritas come out then this filly has a real chance of crossing the line in front.  A definite participant, you can expect Tina to be involved in most of the shenanigans going on around the place.  Tina is stabling with her husband Paul, and two children Kaitlyn 13 and Billy 10.  Billy plays football and basketball with Jett.

PAULA DALZIEL Paula really should be the only filly in the main race and would be hard to back against in the Paradise Stakes.  Paula has years of experience and can put away bottles of wine quicker than a thief in liquorland.  Age has not slowed Paula down and she will match with the best whilst still walking a straight line and speaking sense but once she is horizontal that is it she is gone.  If this girl makes it to the end of the race she will win by a mile but if her race is over a longer distance she may pull up short particularly if the rate at which the wine is poured is slowed.  Paula is at her best after a few reds when the hair comes down and the giggles start.  Similar to Tina, Paula may struggle having others wait on her.  Paula inherited some awesome cooking skills from her mother. Working in a high pressure job in the insurance industry whilst juggling motherhood she is likely to be at her best on a week on Iririki.  Paula is guaranteed to smash her stable mate and husband Simon who are travelling with their two boys, Kane 10 and Jacob 7 who go to school and play footy with Jett.

DAVE SPARK Dave will hit the ground running from the second he arrives at the airport and will not pull up until he arrives home.  If this race is based on distance he will have it covered.  A successful engineer with his own business he thrives on time away with his family and is happy to consume whatever is on offer.  A couple of Margaritas and Dave is likely to entertain anyone happy to watch.  Recently acquiring his pilots licence he was keen to fly us to Vanuatu but after his performance on the Carnival Legend Cup I felt it safer for us to fly with a commercial company.  As a young guy Rum was his drink of choice but these days Margaritas and Cocktails seem to go down like water.  Dave will be up for a chat with anyone and sure to entertain all.  I anticipate a fast start and unless he decides to take a rest day he is definitely a contender in this race.  Dave is stabling with his wife Robyn and their daughter Chloe 6.  Chloe is also having a birthday while we are away.  Jenelle was Maid of Honour and Robyn and Dave's wedding back in the early 2000's.  Definitely worth an each way bet.

RICHARD COWLEY could take out this race without actually having a drink although he will drink anything in front of him.   He is particularly fond of a whisky, beer, red wine, shots, bourbon, vodka, margaritas, cocktails.... I think you get the picture.  The thing to remember here is he will behave the same whether he has a drink in his hand or not so don't think you a getting a head start because he appears drunk early.  Chances are he hasn't touched a drop and is just waiting to make his bolt.  Popular with the ladies he is equally popular with the men.  A ladies man and a mans man however on earth that even works I don't know.  Richard is a regular traveller for work so is likely to be getting in plenty of secret training that is going to leave the rest of us in his dust.  An electrician by trade he now works as a sales manager for a large multinational chemical company.  He did get me horrendously drunk on some crazy looking liquid with gold floaty bits which I was told was vodka but am now wondering whether I should have been reporting him to a terrorist hot line for possession of chemicals.  No idea what that stuff was but if you want to see out your race don't receive any from him.  Definitely a trained and experienced drinker I would probably consider Richard the favorite in this race.  Another not afraid to look like a dick if he is sure to get a laugh and may fall under the eye of child psychologist, Tina.  Richard is stabling with his wife Lyndall and their three children, Mia 10, Theo, 8 and Spencer 5.

SUE KING  Sue must not be underestimated and is probably the one to be on to make the big money likely to start as an unlikely favourite with the bookmakers .  A rare drinker you'll quickly know when she is on it because the Bailey's bottles will begin to diminish and she will suddenly be sitting there with the biggest smile her face.  Sue won't say a lot but will take it all in.  Be warned!  Nothing and I mean nothing will get past her.  The main reason Sue is unlikely to take out the race is because she will stop to assist any other competitor who slows, stops or shows any need for assistance.  You will never meet a more generous, caring or considerate person in your life and she will make sure every competitor gets over the line safely even if it costs her the race.  Unlikely to run every day she will make it a good one when she turns up and will always have a smile on her dile.  The Baileys may soon become Champagne, Cocktails or anything else on offer.  Sue is an amazing mother to four children two of whom are adults but she is choosing to travel with her two youngest daughters Maddy 14 and Montana 10 and stabling  with her husband, Ian.  Sue is a bookkeeper so expect the payouts to be correct for her races.

SCOTT JAMES is likely to line up in his barrier without even being noticed as everyone will be too busy being entertained by his wife.  These two can not be any better described other than chalk and cheese not that there is anything wrong with that they are not the only couple of this trip you could be described as 'opposites attract'.  Don't let Scott's quiet nature fool you though.  A highly intelligent man he knows exactly what is going on and if tactics are required to win a race then he could well take it out.  Not a huge drinker he is susceptible to an odd beer or wine but unlikely to get drunk.  Trust me, his wife Deb will make sure his share doesn't go to waste or yours either if you want to leave it lying around.  An electrician by trade Scott now pays the bills with a high tech plane website.  If there is a race on and you see a plane overhead expect Scott to make it home in front.  A true gentlemen he does have secret muscial skills and probably entertained most of us on a keyboard back in the good old 'Jooce' nightclub days.  Whoa one would suggest he knows how to outsmart a drunk if he spent his nights in that dodgy cave.  Scott is stabling with his wife Deb and twin sons, Matthew and Harrison 10. 

Thursday 21 May 2015


Well for those of you that love Wet 'n' Wild QLD and Waterbom Park, Bali you will be thrilled to bits to know that Vanuatu has its own 'Wet 'n' Wild!  It doesn't quite come with the same thrill rides that you are used to but you can expect to have a lot of laughs and fun rolling down hills and along water slides that come with no form of Workcover or OHS to oversight the safety measures!  No fun police here.  Essentially Wet 'n' Wild, Vanuatu is a Zorbing Park!

The park also has a giant water slide which I would probably describe more as an over size slip n slide and a human sling shot.  Wet 'n' Wild is less than 10 km from Iririki and at the bottom of the hill is The famous Vanuatu Beach Bar for those keen to get off the island for a few hours but not interested in being thrown around a 2.5 metre rubber ball rolling down a hill at some crazy rate.  

I have read a number of reviews and they all rave about how fun the Zorbing is.  Many spoke about being sceptical as to whether they were interested or were quite nervous but basically the reviews were all fantastic by all sorts at all ages.  I have attached a video file.  Not too sure whey the girl in the middle in the first ride has her face blurred out.  I can only assume she 'wasn't supposed to be there'!

Sunday 17 May 2015

Form Guide Race 3 VANUATU CUP

Undoubtedly this is the main race  of the trip and probably the best payer if you are looking to make a quick buck.  The field is strong and while it will be condition dependant any of these quality performers could win on any day if things go their way.  Appreciation to my guest blogger for his assessment of my expectations to perform in the Vanuatu Cup.

ASH STORM Ash (Stormy) is an experienced campaigner who is proven on the track both at home and away.  A brick layer by trade he has both the physical strength and the laps on the training track to make him a top contender for the main race.  One of the biggest in the field he won't be scared off by those in the field who are a little smaller.  In fact he takes advantage of being the big fish in the little pond.  Quick to tell the world he won the batting average in the 2014/2015 season with 162 he fails to follow up with fact that the average age of the opposition was 12!  Stormy can consume large amounts of beer and is could be expected to take out the race whether over a long or short distance and with little or no rest days between events.  However, if you see him begin to mix drinks place your money elsewhere.  History demonstrates that once Stormy begins to mix his drinks he suffers from almost instantaneous 'food poisoning' likely to see him hanging his head over the barriers while the others run past.  Stormy Senior is stabling with his wife Shellie and two sons Liam 13 (Stormy Junior) and Jett's mate, Cam 10 (also Stormy Junior).

BRETT HARTMAN Hardy and Jenelle are the only stable pair to both feature in the main race.  Hardy would once have had the ability to lap others in this race and finish without so much as a sweat.  Previously the bookies would have struggled to get anyone to back against him.  However, these days he is going to be unlikely to cover any significant distance.  Race start time will be crucial but if if starts any time before 4pm you can guarantee hell be asleep by 7pm  and will have no chance of making the distance or backing it up the next day. Form indications were given away at the Carnival Legend Oaks all attended by fellow Vanuatu racers, Robyn Spark, Dave Spark, Simon Mehegan, Jenelle Hartman and some random.  The 6 were out on a  bender and security approached Hardy as the 'most sober' and 'sensible' one of the group telling them the random needed to leave!!!! Whoa really?  Clearly his form is lacking and not up to the quality of this field. Working in management at Cadbury he has somehow managed to combine the roll to include quality control which has affected his once svelte physique.  Expectations are he will train heavily in the lead up to the event to justify his selection in the main event.  Essentially  he claims he has retired from the big meets but then again he has also retired from football at least 14 times and is likely to back up with a 'one last race' in full John Farnham 'one last tour' form.  Don't count him out but realistically I think his only chance of winning this one is if he does a 'Stephen Bradbury'.  Hardy is stabling with Jenelle and Jett 10.

MICHAEL HARDIMAN Mick (Hardss) would once have won this event running backwards but these days with a recent career change his training has declined significantly.  Although stabling with his wife Zinnia, most of his training is with his boss, Jenelle, on the bitumen roads at 2am rather than the grass tracks.  Jenelle has rostered him with so much on call recently he has barely seen a pub since Christmas resulting in a loss of weight and form.    Don't be discouraged by his slight size though, this light weight can match it with the biggest and strongest, his give away that he has had too many is that he thinks he can sing and dance.  His signature move is some form of cross between the robot and the sprinkler.  Whatever it is, it is guaranteed to get a laugh and likely to distract him from the final post.  He wont be disappointed if he comes last so long as someone laughs at him.  With 6 months to get back on the track training I would expect his odds to come down significantly so don't count him out just yet.    Not into the fancy stuff beer is likely to see him through the distance. Hardss is travelling with his wife Zinnia and two kids Sahra 12 and Ky 10 and certain to be a favorite with both the ladies and the men.  Another copper who doesn't behave like one. 

JENELLE HARTMAN This star filly originally from the Mehegan stable but now firmly entrenched with the powerful Hartman stable will give another outstanding showing in this race, and must be judged as not only the bookies favourite, but a favourite with the fans. Recently, she has given stirring performances at the RMIT Graduation Stakes in December, The Carnival Legend Oaks in January and then in an international class field at the New Zealand Police Academy Cup in February. All this while encountering significant personal hardship of mothering a number of foals at both home and work. Her typical race strategy will involve Vodka and Cocktails at a steady pace early, before ramping up the pace towards the final bend and straight, and mixing in a healthy serve of dancing and karaoke, will unleash a devastating finishing sprint that no horse, giraffe, man, woman or child has any hope of matching. The undoubted star of this race meeting, those in attendance will talk about seeing her on this occasion for generations, becoming a ‘Where were you when Jenelle turned 40?’ moment, much like we speak about Phar Lap in 33’ and the unbeaten streak of Black Caviar.  Jenelle is obviously travelling with everyone on the trip but rooming with her husband Brett (Hardy) and son, Jett 10.

SIMON MEHEGAN Mogga is another to recently be left in a stable on his own and is making the most of the new found space and freedom to train hard.  His form in the Carnival Legend Oaks was strong and with Nana also on the trip to look after his two foals and you can expect big things.  Jenelle's older brother by a little more than 5 years, he has still got what it takes to match it with the up and comers and is capable of going long distances without obvious signs of fatigue.  No obvious race strategy he can be partial to an odd shot but will generally stick to the more standard beer or basic spirits.  His most likely distraction will be a stray filly in the stands which could be enough to steer him off the track.  Mogga works in middle management at Coca Cola explaining why him and Hardss the coke addict get along so well.  Mogga will keep quite early and make the late sprint but if you are looking for a reliable place certainty then this is the one to be on.  His base is strong and will only be strengthened by the increase in recent training. Mogga is travelling with his two daughters Belle 9 and Molly 7.

PAUL TOLEMAN Tolly has to be the favourite and even on current form I can't see him being beaten in the main race over 7 days.  However, there is a long time between now and the big race and given he is arriving 3 days earlier than the remaining starters he may well go hard too early.  A recent drop in weight may leave him unaware of the affect it will have on his ability to go long distances on hard tracks.  Although the affects of fatigue become obvious to most by the increased talking he will still move in straight lines and may not be obvious to all.  A businessman in a high stress position he will thrive on the relaxed atmosphere of Vanuatu and it may be the perfect location to see his best performance for some time.  There is some risk of disqualification as he may fail to move from the pool to the barriers if there is a card game in progress.  Tolly is travelling with his wife, Tina and two kids, Kaitlin 13 and Billy 10.  Would certainly have to be the favorite at this point.

Saturday 9 May 2015


If you are looking for something to do either on your own, as a family or with a group, then the Cascade Waterfalls are well worth visiting.  The falls are located only about 15 minutes from Port Vila and less than 10 minutes from where the ferry that transfers us from the mainland to Iririki Island docks.  The main fall is 50 metres in height but from my own visits I don't think the falls are as spectacular as the walk to get there.  The walk up to the falls takes about 30 minutes and passes through amazing rock pools, rock slides and picturesque rain forests. 

 The trip can be arranged through organised tours but this is really not necessary and makes the trip quite expensive for no additional benefit at all.  Entry to the falls is 2000VT which is about $23 for adults and $13 for kids.  If a group were to go together on the same day then a bus could be hailed for a couple of dollars each or alternatively a taxi would cost about $10 for four.  For an extra couple of dollars the taxi drivers will take you on a guided tour around Vanuatu highlighting some really interesting places and facts.  On my last trip the driver took us to his home/village which although was quite an eye opener it was amazing.  It was interesting and such a learning opportunity for the kids.  I would recommend the taxi option for both cost and benefit although I think if a few families choose to go the same day the bus option is likely to be essentially similar.  Negotiate the cost of the transport before getting in.  It is not a set price.  Don't pay up front or you taxi is not likely to be waiting for you upon your return.  The entry to the falls is paid when you arrive and this is a set price.

The walk to the top of the falls would realistically be described as moderate.  There are some sections which have ropes to hang on to for support and security however my mum went with me last time and she had no difficulty getting to the top.  Everyone on this trip could make it to the top quite comfortably and it is well worth it.  The walk up takes about 20-30 minutes but typically the return trip is longer as many stop to enjoy the rock pools and rock slides.  This walk really caters for entire families with the walk and scenery combined with the fun on the slides and rock pools on the way back down.  This excursion is highly recommended.  If you plan to make the trip you need to allow either a morning or afternoon.  It is not an all day activity.  You don't need to pay for personal guides or tours.  There is one path up and one path down and you can't possibly get lost.

Where: Mele Cascade Waterfalls

Cost: $23 adults $15 kids - entry

Transport: 10-15 minutes $10 either bus or taxi from Iririki ferry

Difficulty: Medium

Caters For: Families

Time: 3 hours

Form Guide: Race 2 PORT VILA STAKES

Evening all.  Rumour has it that the blog is being well received so I have decided to work on the form guide for race 2.  Race 2 may not be filled with the high profile performers but it will be competitive with reliability a common theme and guaranteed to entertain all spectators.  Expect all six starters to be spotted around the bar most days.  In the next few days I will also include some posts about some of the sightseeing that is available in Vanuatu for those families looking to spend a few days off the island.


1. SHELLIE STORM  Shellie Storm is one highly competitive character who will not turn up unless she can win.  Expect her to feature strong in pool volley ball, beach cricket, golf and bar drinking.    Shellie would line up at ticketmaster for three days to get front row tickets to watch to two snails race.  She is smart and won't make the rookie error of going out too hard too early.  She will be the quiet achiever who will run at the back of the pack until the finish line is in sight and then she'll make her dash.  Unlikely to run everyday but when she does watch out.   This book keeper should keep the book makers busy unless she manages to keep under the radar.  Shellie is likely to head to the mainland for the odd game of golf.  Shellie shares a stable with her husband Ash who will run in the main race and will also travel with her two boys, Liam (13) and Cam (10).  Shellie coaches Jett and Cam's premiership basketball team.  Jett and Cam also play footy together.

2. IAN KING Ian King is definitely one that might fly under the radar early but a few days in and he is likely to be tough to beat.  Well trained, this experienced campaigner has has to be considered a strong candidate and will be reliable in all conditions.  More likely to feature well in the longer distance races.  Ian will not only entertain on the track he is guaranteed to provide many a laugh to those around the pool.  Expect to see him near the pool bar most days with his dry sense of humour entertaining many.  Definitely a contender to take out the big prize.  Ian has his own business and will be at his best enjoying time away from the pressure and stress of work.  Ian shares a stable with his wife Sue and they will be travelling with two of their four children, Maddy (Madeline) 14 and Montanna 10.  Montanna goes to school with Jett.

3. GARY CHAPEL Gaz has been racing for many years and always gives the placings a shake.  Definitely a thoroughbred don't let age fool you, he knows what it takes.  This campaigner will be strong from start to finish.  Not flashy he will draw little attention to himself and will be hard to pick how much he has had.  If races are won on volume, he will take it out without so much as a wobble.  Gary will usually be found with Laz within a 30 second radius of the pool bar.  The perfect gentleman, Gary will always have a smile on his face and enjoy a chat with anyone.  Gary will be sharing a stable with his partner Bronwyn and will usually be found with their stable neighbours and regular travel  companions, Carol and Larry Mehegan.  Gary is a family friend of Jenelle.

4,  LYNDALL COWLEY was picked up from the scrap auctions a little while back but a bit of recent heavy training and she is on fire!  Previously having performed well in little more than a couple of minor placings in some small country meets she would have been given no chance in Vanuatu.  That is until she recently began training with her mate Thea.  One would suspect if she continues on current form she may get promoted as the only filly in the main race.  Lyndall is definitely one to get on early while she is paying well and before the secret gets out.  If she is paying anything more than 5/1 I'd be risking my house with the book makers.  This medical doctor sure knows how to party and once the kids are in bed she is likely to be last up.  Be warned this girl is one to watch guaranteed laughs. Lyndall is sharing a stable with her husband Richard and their three kids, Mia 10, Theo 8 and Spencer 4.  Jett went to school with Mia until a recent property move.

5. JODIE KIST Jodie is definitely the smallest horse to making the trip to the Vanuatu track but she will carry as much weight as her heavier counterparts and still give it a shake.  Definitely not an early sprinter she will be right up there at the end and if she doesn't get distracted by a dance floor she should certainly get a place.  Jodie has also recently returned from an overseas group birthday celebration and is likely to know how to race.  Jodie will share a stable with her husband Mick and their two sons, Jack 13 and Josh 10.  Josh plays basketball and footy with Jett.  A childcare worker in the kinder room it would seem both kinder teachers, Jodie and Zinnia Hardiman are both married to Micks!  What is with that? Jodie is team manager for the boys footy team and awesome on the email.  There is evidence that she doesn't sleep so don't give her your email address or if you do turn off notifications overnight unless you want to receive emails at 3am.

6. SIMON DALZIEL Definitely a quiet achiever, Simon will give a solid and strong performance and will be at his best if he is required to back it up in sequential days.  Simon has the ability to mix it with the big guns and go unnoticed with the spot light heavily on his stable mate and main race contender, his wife Paula. Having recently changed jobs he trained hard in the gym during the break in between and for this reason could really give the race a shake.  Definitely don't disregard Simon as a possible race winner.   Simon will give Gary a run for his money as to who smiles more and will win over all  male and female alike with his likeable personality.  Unlikely to offend anyone he will be loved by all.  Simon will be sharing a stable with his Paula and their two boys, Kane 10 and Jacob 7.  Kane goes to school and plays footy with Jett.

Thursday 7 May 2015


With over 55 people now booked, I have decided it is a good time to start publishing the form guide! With so many friends and family from so many different parts of my life, I think it would be great for everyone to have a bit of an idea about who is coming and what they can expect!  I will also note the ages of the kids so everyone can see the other kids that will be around their own kids ages.  Race 1 will be tough and has some of the most seasoned campaigners drawn in the good barriers.

1. DEBORAH JAMES  Expect Deb to be a strong performer who will almost certainly feature in the placings.  A strong performer with years of experience there will be no taking it easy from start to finish.  She will start strong and still be there at the end.  Expect Deb to take off and force the others to have to sprint to catch her.  Deb enjoys a drop of whatever is on offer and will even ensure anything spilt doesn't go to waste.  Deb is the life of most parties. Deb is a stable mate of her husband, Scott James and will be accompanied by her twin sons, Matthew and Harrison both 10 who go to Jett's school.  Definitely worth a place bet.

2. DAVE MORRIS Dave has recently returned to a stable on his own resulting in a substantial  increase in training.  If his nutrition is met with large amounts of quality wine you can expect him to be a contender at the far end of the race.  He will be deceiving and the volume of consumption will not be obvious to spectators as he maintains a constant gallop for the full race.  You can expect him to back up day after day.  Not overly loud he will remember everything from the night before and will laugh at any joke you tell.  Although it wont be obvious he is a work mate of Jenelle and will be looking to let his hair down and put in a strong performance. Dave will be travelling with his son Hugo, 11.

3. ROBYN SPARK  Robyn will start strong and most certainly be fast out of the gate.  Expect her to be leading at the half way mark but one too many Margaritas and she is likely to end up jumping the barriers or running backwards.  Robyn is probably more comfortable on the back of a horse having grown up in country Victoria before arriving in the big smoke where she met Jenelle at Uni.  Robyn is unlikely to be beaten on the dance floor and I would recommend purchasing tickets if she makes her moves towards any dance venue.  You will not be disappointed.  Now a psychologist she'll have you worked out before you sort her.  Robyn is a stable mate of her husband Dave Spark and they will be travelling with their daughter Chloe 6.

4. LARRY MEHEGAN Laz is the oldest in the field but don't let that fool you.  Unless the race is  particularly fast, Laz will be there right up to the end.  With years of training he has both the experience and the ks to get him over the line.  If the race is about smarts he will likely take it out.  He can be usually be found within diving distance of a pool or bar.  Although now retired he can still put in a good performance at any bar.  For any early risers you are likely to find your drinker partner in Laz who will be beside the pool from 6am onwards.  Jenelle's dad, Laz will be sharing a stable overlooking the water with his wife, Carol Mehegan.

5. EMMA JONES Emma is a proven performer on group overseas birthdays and likely to do well in Vanuatu.  Don't be deceived by her size.  This pocket rocket can put them away. Always got a smile on her face you wont find Emma sitting in the corner.  Emma will start strong but soon be distracted if you hand her a microphone or push her towards a dance floor.  No not a singer, the microphone is for talking!!! Emma is likely to stay strong for the entire race but will back it up early the next day so you'll have to be ready to go.  She is unlikely to give away when she is starting to do it tough.  A hairdresser by occupation, Emma shares a stable with her husband Bryn and three kids, Kynan 10, Shayla 8 and Camdyn 6.  Kynan plays football with Jett.

6. ZINNIA HARDIMAN Zinnia's outlook is clear. Go hard or go home.  There is nothing in between. If she turns up she will win the race.  Put your money on for a win.   Vodka is the favorite but she could be swayed by other choices further into the race.  She hasn't performed in many of the Hartman events but by all accounts from those at her local Geelong track she must a considered a favorite.  Her foundations from across the ditch still remain strong and she wont be fooled by her opponents.  She will play fair but hard. Zinnia is a childcare worker who never gets to switch off given her husband and stable mate Mick Hardiman requires constant supervision.  Mick works with Jenelle.  If Mick is behaving then Zinnia is almost certain to take out the event.  She will also be travelling with her two kids, Sahra 12 and Ky 10.

Sunday 3 May 2015

Passports and Visas

Everyone requires a passport to visit Vanuatu.  This applies to all Australian citizens, both adults and children.  The passport must be valid for 6 months after the date we are due to arrive back in Australia.  For those who consider maths to be a second language, this means your passport must not expire before 23 July 2016.  Please check this now so you know whether you need to apply for a new passport or not.  Airfares can be booked without a valid passport but tickets can not be issued without one.   Don't leave this until December.  Passports can be issued in 3 days in an emergency but it is a stressful and costly exercise.  For general applications you need to allow up to 3 weeks from the day an application is lodged to receive your passport.  Passports cost $250 for adults and $125 for kids (Up to 16)

Australian citizens who are visiting Vanuatu for less than 30 days (this is us) and have return tickets (this is us too) do not require a Visa to enter or stay in Vanuatu.  Basically your passport is the only official documentation that you need to be considering prior to arriving at the airport on January 16 2016.

Welcome to Vanuatu 2016!

Well, holy crap batman! I am still trying to work out how this trip has even come about.  Being somewhat shy, I didn't want a huge party or lavish affair for my 40th  birthday.  Due to some more recent health hurdles and a new found appreciation for life, I didn't want the milestone to go uncelebrated either. We all know I love to travel, I absolutely adore my family and I cherish and appreciate my closest friends.  I wanted to somehow combine them all so I decided I would love to celebrate my birthday with those dearest to me in Vanuatu!!!!  One of the most beautiful places on earth.  The best of everything rolled into 1.  When the invitations went out I considered I might be super lucky to have 5 or 10 people able to make the trip.  I knew it was a big ask.  Now all of a sudden there are 62 of us on our way...Whoa!!! I can not believe it.  No time to be shy about a party, this is going to be huge.  Thank goodness I have taken to drinking like a duck to water.

I have decided to set up this blog for a number of reasons.  I am getting many questions from all directions.  Many of you don't know each other so I am often answering the same questions over and over.  Between now and the trip I will post all sorts of information.  Make sure you check back often.  I will post all sorts of stuff including general information about Vanuatu, travel information (I always wanted to be a travel agent), things you can do while were over there and even a little information about you! The guests!  Be prepared for the publication of the form guide!!!!!  An honest account of what we can expect from each of you after the sun goes down and the bar is open.  The sprinters, the stayers and those that should just never have turned up. Have no fear people, this trip is a no pressure do whatever you want event.  Anything I post is just to assist you and give you ideas. Just part of the whole trip build up.  Do whatever you like, whenever you like.  

The biggest question to date has been 'So, who else is going?"  I will begin by saying that everyone who is going is awesome!  Only awesome people in my camp.  In particular many are interested in the ages of the other kids so they know if there are other kids around their own children's ages.  Pretty much the answer is yes!  In the next few days I will endeavour to include a post about the flights and accommodation including specific details and contacts.

I know it is terrible that you are all being forced to spend a whole week on this horrible horrible island...