Wednesday 27 May 2015


It has been interesting putting the form guide together.  Although we are are using the excuse for the trip that it is my birthday, it has become obvious that I know very little about some of you.  Generally I realise I know little about the husbands and wives of those who are so important to me.  I have learnt so much about so many of you in preparing this guide.  I now know we have two Simons, two Daves, two Micks, two kinder childcare workers, four coppers, two psychologists, two book keepers, four self employed businessmen, four maintenance fitters, two electricians who don't work as electricians, two doctors and 26 drunks!  

The Paradise Stakes has some quality runners and don't for a moment think that there aren't any in this star field that couldn't match it with those running in the main race.

TINA TOLEMAN is the wife of the race favorite, Paul, but don't be expecting her to hide in his shadows.  Tina can hold her own and when it comes to entertaining there are none better.  Tina may be out of her comfort zone on a tropical island where people wait on her.  She is used to being the one entertaining guests and providing food spreads to die for.  Tina is a child psychologist so expect her to have her husband Paul, Brett Hartman and Mick Hardiman assessed and sorted out before the captain has switched off the fasten your seatbelt sign.  A little on the quiet side when you first meet her she will soon match it with the best after a few Kahlua and cokes and if the Margaritas come out then this filly has a real chance of crossing the line in front.  A definite participant, you can expect Tina to be involved in most of the shenanigans going on around the place.  Tina is stabling with her husband Paul, and two children Kaitlyn 13 and Billy 10.  Billy plays football and basketball with Jett.

PAULA DALZIEL Paula really should be the only filly in the main race and would be hard to back against in the Paradise Stakes.  Paula has years of experience and can put away bottles of wine quicker than a thief in liquorland.  Age has not slowed Paula down and she will match with the best whilst still walking a straight line and speaking sense but once she is horizontal that is it she is gone.  If this girl makes it to the end of the race she will win by a mile but if her race is over a longer distance she may pull up short particularly if the rate at which the wine is poured is slowed.  Paula is at her best after a few reds when the hair comes down and the giggles start.  Similar to Tina, Paula may struggle having others wait on her.  Paula inherited some awesome cooking skills from her mother. Working in a high pressure job in the insurance industry whilst juggling motherhood she is likely to be at her best on a week on Iririki.  Paula is guaranteed to smash her stable mate and husband Simon who are travelling with their two boys, Kane 10 and Jacob 7 who go to school and play footy with Jett.

DAVE SPARK Dave will hit the ground running from the second he arrives at the airport and will not pull up until he arrives home.  If this race is based on distance he will have it covered.  A successful engineer with his own business he thrives on time away with his family and is happy to consume whatever is on offer.  A couple of Margaritas and Dave is likely to entertain anyone happy to watch.  Recently acquiring his pilots licence he was keen to fly us to Vanuatu but after his performance on the Carnival Legend Cup I felt it safer for us to fly with a commercial company.  As a young guy Rum was his drink of choice but these days Margaritas and Cocktails seem to go down like water.  Dave will be up for a chat with anyone and sure to entertain all.  I anticipate a fast start and unless he decides to take a rest day he is definitely a contender in this race.  Dave is stabling with his wife Robyn and their daughter Chloe 6.  Chloe is also having a birthday while we are away.  Jenelle was Maid of Honour and Robyn and Dave's wedding back in the early 2000's.  Definitely worth an each way bet.

RICHARD COWLEY could take out this race without actually having a drink although he will drink anything in front of him.   He is particularly fond of a whisky, beer, red wine, shots, bourbon, vodka, margaritas, cocktails.... I think you get the picture.  The thing to remember here is he will behave the same whether he has a drink in his hand or not so don't think you a getting a head start because he appears drunk early.  Chances are he hasn't touched a drop and is just waiting to make his bolt.  Popular with the ladies he is equally popular with the men.  A ladies man and a mans man however on earth that even works I don't know.  Richard is a regular traveller for work so is likely to be getting in plenty of secret training that is going to leave the rest of us in his dust.  An electrician by trade he now works as a sales manager for a large multinational chemical company.  He did get me horrendously drunk on some crazy looking liquid with gold floaty bits which I was told was vodka but am now wondering whether I should have been reporting him to a terrorist hot line for possession of chemicals.  No idea what that stuff was but if you want to see out your race don't receive any from him.  Definitely a trained and experienced drinker I would probably consider Richard the favorite in this race.  Another not afraid to look like a dick if he is sure to get a laugh and may fall under the eye of child psychologist, Tina.  Richard is stabling with his wife Lyndall and their three children, Mia 10, Theo, 8 and Spencer 5.

SUE KING  Sue must not be underestimated and is probably the one to be on to make the big money likely to start as an unlikely favourite with the bookmakers .  A rare drinker you'll quickly know when she is on it because the Bailey's bottles will begin to diminish and she will suddenly be sitting there with the biggest smile her face.  Sue won't say a lot but will take it all in.  Be warned!  Nothing and I mean nothing will get past her.  The main reason Sue is unlikely to take out the race is because she will stop to assist any other competitor who slows, stops or shows any need for assistance.  You will never meet a more generous, caring or considerate person in your life and she will make sure every competitor gets over the line safely even if it costs her the race.  Unlikely to run every day she will make it a good one when she turns up and will always have a smile on her dile.  The Baileys may soon become Champagne, Cocktails or anything else on offer.  Sue is an amazing mother to four children two of whom are adults but she is choosing to travel with her two youngest daughters Maddy 14 and Montana 10 and stabling  with her husband, Ian.  Sue is a bookkeeper so expect the payouts to be correct for her races.

SCOTT JAMES is likely to line up in his barrier without even being noticed as everyone will be too busy being entertained by his wife.  These two can not be any better described other than chalk and cheese not that there is anything wrong with that they are not the only couple of this trip you could be described as 'opposites attract'.  Don't let Scott's quiet nature fool you though.  A highly intelligent man he knows exactly what is going on and if tactics are required to win a race then he could well take it out.  Not a huge drinker he is susceptible to an odd beer or wine but unlikely to get drunk.  Trust me, his wife Deb will make sure his share doesn't go to waste or yours either if you want to leave it lying around.  An electrician by trade Scott now pays the bills with a high tech plane website.  If there is a race on and you see a plane overhead expect Scott to make it home in front.  A true gentlemen he does have secret muscial skills and probably entertained most of us on a keyboard back in the good old 'Jooce' nightclub days.  Whoa one would suggest he knows how to outsmart a drunk if he spent his nights in that dodgy cave.  Scott is stabling with his wife Deb and twin sons, Matthew and Harrison 10. 

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