Saturday 9 May 2015


If you are looking for something to do either on your own, as a family or with a group, then the Cascade Waterfalls are well worth visiting.  The falls are located only about 15 minutes from Port Vila and less than 10 minutes from where the ferry that transfers us from the mainland to Iririki Island docks.  The main fall is 50 metres in height but from my own visits I don't think the falls are as spectacular as the walk to get there.  The walk up to the falls takes about 30 minutes and passes through amazing rock pools, rock slides and picturesque rain forests. 

 The trip can be arranged through organised tours but this is really not necessary and makes the trip quite expensive for no additional benefit at all.  Entry to the falls is 2000VT which is about $23 for adults and $13 for kids.  If a group were to go together on the same day then a bus could be hailed for a couple of dollars each or alternatively a taxi would cost about $10 for four.  For an extra couple of dollars the taxi drivers will take you on a guided tour around Vanuatu highlighting some really interesting places and facts.  On my last trip the driver took us to his home/village which although was quite an eye opener it was amazing.  It was interesting and such a learning opportunity for the kids.  I would recommend the taxi option for both cost and benefit although I think if a few families choose to go the same day the bus option is likely to be essentially similar.  Negotiate the cost of the transport before getting in.  It is not a set price.  Don't pay up front or you taxi is not likely to be waiting for you upon your return.  The entry to the falls is paid when you arrive and this is a set price.

The walk to the top of the falls would realistically be described as moderate.  There are some sections which have ropes to hang on to for support and security however my mum went with me last time and she had no difficulty getting to the top.  Everyone on this trip could make it to the top quite comfortably and it is well worth it.  The walk up takes about 20-30 minutes but typically the return trip is longer as many stop to enjoy the rock pools and rock slides.  This walk really caters for entire families with the walk and scenery combined with the fun on the slides and rock pools on the way back down.  This excursion is highly recommended.  If you plan to make the trip you need to allow either a morning or afternoon.  It is not an all day activity.  You don't need to pay for personal guides or tours.  There is one path up and one path down and you can't possibly get lost.

Where: Mele Cascade Waterfalls

Cost: $23 adults $15 kids - entry

Transport: 10-15 minutes $10 either bus or taxi from Iririki ferry

Difficulty: Medium

Caters For: Families

Time: 3 hours

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