Sunday 3 May 2015

Welcome to Vanuatu 2016!

Well, holy crap batman! I am still trying to work out how this trip has even come about.  Being somewhat shy, I didn't want a huge party or lavish affair for my 40th  birthday.  Due to some more recent health hurdles and a new found appreciation for life, I didn't want the milestone to go uncelebrated either. We all know I love to travel, I absolutely adore my family and I cherish and appreciate my closest friends.  I wanted to somehow combine them all so I decided I would love to celebrate my birthday with those dearest to me in Vanuatu!!!!  One of the most beautiful places on earth.  The best of everything rolled into 1.  When the invitations went out I considered I might be super lucky to have 5 or 10 people able to make the trip.  I knew it was a big ask.  Now all of a sudden there are 62 of us on our way...Whoa!!! I can not believe it.  No time to be shy about a party, this is going to be huge.  Thank goodness I have taken to drinking like a duck to water.

I have decided to set up this blog for a number of reasons.  I am getting many questions from all directions.  Many of you don't know each other so I am often answering the same questions over and over.  Between now and the trip I will post all sorts of information.  Make sure you check back often.  I will post all sorts of stuff including general information about Vanuatu, travel information (I always wanted to be a travel agent), things you can do while were over there and even a little information about you! The guests!  Be prepared for the publication of the form guide!!!!!  An honest account of what we can expect from each of you after the sun goes down and the bar is open.  The sprinters, the stayers and those that should just never have turned up. Have no fear people, this trip is a no pressure do whatever you want event.  Anything I post is just to assist you and give you ideas. Just part of the whole trip build up.  Do whatever you like, whenever you like.  

The biggest question to date has been 'So, who else is going?"  I will begin by saying that everyone who is going is awesome!  Only awesome people in my camp.  In particular many are interested in the ages of the other kids so they know if there are other kids around their own children's ages.  Pretty much the answer is yes!  In the next few days I will endeavour to include a post about the flights and accommodation including specific details and contacts.

I know it is terrible that you are all being forced to spend a whole week on this horrible horrible island...

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